“Why survey? Why honor the surveyor? A surveyor, surveys to offer you a sacred place, a place to be secure, to make home, to realize your dream.”

This work celebrates the “Past, Present and Future.” A surveyor possesses the wisdom to see our “past”, the courage to have an effect on the “present”, and the vision to care about the “future”.

Celebrate the Role Surveyors Play In Our Past, Present, and Future With Your Own Mark

Help inspire the future of surveying by showcasing this limited edition series!

Available in Two Sizes:

“The Surveyor” A Vision of Tomorrow - Large

64 inches (5.3 ft) width and depth 104 inches (8.6 ft) tall * Approximate weight +/- 2500 pounds *

Series of 8 Bronze Editions

Ideal for celebrating the role that surveyors and engineers play in our past, present, and future lives around campuses, parks, city squares, and other public art displays.


“The Surveyor” A Vision of Tomorrow - Small

13.5 inches (1.125 ft) width and depth 20 inches (1.6 ft) tall on granite turntable *Approximate weight 35 pounds*

Series of 30 Bronze Editions

Ideal for celebrating the role that surveyors and engineers play in our past, present, and future lives around indoor office spaces, museums, and public gathering locations.

The Heart Of Vision

When I developed this piece I put the surveyor on a radius...a circle… and added discovery. So I asked? Where do I want to have the exact spot the center of that radius? Through deliberations and conversations I thought...it was his vision. So I took a plumbob off of his right eye and dropped it down. A local friend, Curtis Eaton, had once called John Hayes (the historical surveyor of Twin Falls, Idaho whom the sculpture is modeled from) the belly button of Twin Falls, so I took another plumbob from his belly button down to the ground he stood on and, I surmised, that the ground you stand on, is divided between those two, the conception of the vision you follow.

“It” is right in between the center of these two…the belly button and the vision. The surveyor’s heart is in the exact center of the circle/ground he stands on.

John Hayes made his mark, I’m honored to be a punctuation of his mark it would be a loss if you did not do the same thing. Because this sculpture is about you. You possess the wisdom to see our “past”, the courage to have an effect on the “present”, and the vision to care about the “future”. This work is for the “Past, Present and Future.”

What Is Your Commitment To Vision?

What do you know in your heart that will have...and has had...an effect on tomorrow, and your ancestor’s tomorrows? Don’t let that heart song die with you.

For a full read on the history of John Hayes and this piece, read the write-up about this sculpture in xyHt Magazine

What Are The Intentions Of The Surveyor That Are Celebrated With This Sculpture?

Community awareness and pride, discovery, confidence, starting, producing, a beginning, purpose, conception, dreams, imagination, motivation, inspiration, vision, leading, risking, interpreting, progress, determination, focus, one moment, faith, ground to stand on, a place in this world…heart……home.

It redefines a space in time.


About Dave LaMure Jr.

Dave LaMure Jr. lives in the Magic Valley of Idaho where the Great Basin meets the southern cliffs of the Snake River. Dave has worked with clay since he was twelve years old. Since that time, he has developed an art uniquely his own from monumental public bronze sculptures to large oil canvases. Dave's innovative style of sculpting vessels is new to the world of clay and bronze. Proof that Sofia Loren awarded him best of show and a kiss, that is a high honor. The fine art of bas-relief, size and detail of each piece is unknown before. Look for a manifestation of feeling, heart, form, movement, composition and value.